APPENDIX: 3D animations of hypocentre time plot of Fig. 9 in Tsunoda et al.(2013) Thermal energy transmigration and fluctuation. NCGT Journal, 1, 2, 65-80.
3-D animations of hypocentre time plot during 02/Oct/2006 to 01/Jan/2007 along the N72E line in Torishima, Izu Island chain.
-- Click each image to enlarge.--
Fig. 9-a Loccality map of plot area. Mase map is from
Fig. 9-b Plan view animation of time plot.
Fig. 9-c 3-D animations of hypocentre time plot.
Fig. 9-d Time-Depth plot.
Fig. 9-e 3-D animation of time plot viewing from North-northwest.
Fig. 9-e 3-D animation of time plot viewing from West-southwest.